miércoles, septiembre 18


Yuma Metropolitan Planning Organization seeking input for Rail/Heavy Freight Alignment Study

The Yuma Metropolitan Planning Organization (YMPO) is asking for the public’s feedback through July 24, 2022 on high-level, conceptual alternative options to construct a north-south freight rail corridor from San Luis to the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR), as released by Jenny Torres, Economic Development Manager with the City of San Luis.

The YMPO Rail/Heavy Freight Alignment Study is building on findings from the 2013 Yuma County Rail Corridor Study and considering new development activity in Yuma that has placed new constraints on previously identified connections from Yuma County to Sonora, Mexico.

The ongoing study is evaluating existing and anticipated future conditions for population, development, land use, and the transportation system to identify a single preferred alignment between the UPRR and the U.S./Mexico border on the east side of San Luis.

High-level, conceptual alternatives have been developed, which will ultimately be narrowed down to a single, preferred alignment based on technical analyses and community input. Conceptual alternatives were grouped into four geographic areas: South, South-Central, North-Central, and North. Grouping the alternatives provides an opportunity to identify a single corridor from multiple conceptual alignments.

There are two options for providing your input on the conceptual alternatives:

-Community Open Houses

Two in-person open house meetings are being held in San Luis and Yuma.

San Luis – July 13, 2022 (4:30-6:30pm) at San Luis City Hall Multi-Purpose Room, located at 1090 E. Union Street, San Luis, AZ.

Yuma – July 14, 2022 (4:30-6:30pm) at Yuma County Public Works Facility, located at 4343 S. Avenue 5 ½ E, Yuma, AZ.

-Virtual Public Survey

Materials from the public open houses are also available on the YMPO website at YMPO Rail/Heavy Freight Alignment Study Open House « YMPO along with a virtual public survey to provide your feedback. The survey is available in both English and Spanish. All comments must be received by Sunday, July 24.