sábado, julio 27

Yuma hospital to host the annual Walk to Remember, this Saturday

YUMA, Arizona.- Yuma Regional Medical Center is honored to host the annual Walk to Remember, a gathering of family and friends to remember those babies who are carried in our hearts.
According to a YRMC representative, “If you or someone you know has been impacted by miscarriage, stillbirth or infant death, please join us for the Walk to Remember on Saturday, November 5, at West Wetlands Park (282 N 12 Avenue).”
The program will run as follows:
8:00 AM Registration
8:30 AM Memorial service, prayer, release of doves and walk
9:30 AM Closing comments
Children, family and friends all welcome. To register for this free event, call 928-336-7434 or email cdeleon@yumaregional.org.