sábado, julio 27

Public invited to join Working Across Border in the 4FRONTED Binational Megaregion virtual panel

YUMA, Arizona.- The 4FrontED Governing Group cordially invites the binational megaregion community members to the virtual panel titled Working Across Borders in the 4FrontED Binational Megaregion. The event will take place on Thursday, September 01, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. (Arizona time), via Zoom.

The event will serve as a platform for panelists and attendees to engage in a productive dialogue on visa requirements to be part of a binational cross-border workforce.

The distinguished group of panelists includes:

Laura L. Biedebach, Consul General of the U.S. in Nogales, Sonora
Jose A. Larios, Consul of Mexico in Yuma, Arizona

The event will be moderated by Adriana Llorenz, who serves as the Executive Director of Mexicali EDC. Adriana is an expert on the fields of international relations, economic development, business strategies, and leadership.

«Human resources are the key component to reach our full economic potential on the border. As we approach the celebration of 200 years of bilateral relations between the United States and Mexico, I am excited to talk about mutual prosperity and the opportunities at hand for working professionals,» said Laura Biedebach, Consul General of the U.S. in Nogales, Sonora.

The panel will be an excellent opportunity for community members, students, business owners, and human resources personnel to learn about visa programs created by the governments of the U.S. and Mexico, specifically for professionals.

«The US-Mexico region represents growth opportunities for professionals who live on both sides of the border, in several industries, including but not limited to international trade, tourism, education, health care, among others, which require fully trained and bilingual workers,» said Nazzer Mendez, Executive Director of 4FrontED.

4FrontED aims to promote economic development, infrastructure, tourism, and education in the binational megaregion, which encompasses Yuma County, Arizona; Imperial County, California; San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora, and Mexicali, Baja California.

Free event, bilingual with simultaneous interpretation service available. Registration is required at the following link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_D84UmbJfSl6JApo0ajJnYQ
For additional information, please visit: www.4fronted.org, follow the @4FrontED social media platforms, or send an email to: nmendez@4fronted.org