domingo, septiembre 8


Adopt a Highway volunteers pick up more than two tons of litter on National Clean Up Day Event

PHOENIX, Arizona.- Earlier this month, 39 Arizona Department of Transportation Adopt a Highway Volunteer groups consisting of more than 200 individuals hit the highways across the state to pick up trash for National Clean Up Day. The groups collectively picked up more than two tons of litter and debris.
“We are so thankful to our volunteers who came out for National Clean Up Day this year,” said Mary Currie, ADOT’s Adopt a Highway coordinator. “Our volunteers help us keep the highways clean year round.”
This year, Adopt a Highway groups spread out over 11 counties collected nearly 4,600 pounds of trash. This is the second-largest clean up of litter on National Clean Up Day since 2020, when groups collected nearly 8,700 pounds of trash.
National Clean Up Day is an initiative by Clean Trails, a nonprofit organization, to organize clean ups across the country. Arizona Adopt a Highway groups have participated in this annual event since 2018.
For more information on the Adopt a Highway Volunteer Program, visit